Chinese citizens Wants to Sue Government of China

Why the people of china are angry with the Xi-Jinping Government?

There is a new twist in the story. As we have earlier seen that government of different countries worldwide were blaming China for corona virus and demanding compensation for it for the loss.

The things have changed now the citizens of china are also against the communist party of China and want to sue the Chinese Government , whereas the residents of Wuhan are asking for help to raise their voice against government with the help of activist.

The Chinese authorities are clamping down as grieving relatives along with the activists. Press the ruling Communist Party for an accounting of what went wrong in Wuhan, where the coronavirus killed thousands before spreading to the rest of China and the world.


Lawyers have been warned not to file suit against the government

Activists who made efforts to raise voice against the government are disappeared.

They are worried about the worsen situation in the China, whereas the government is worried about their negative impact on their image as a result China is suppressing the truth and hiding the facts and portray China government as the savior who saved the world from the crisis.

China has already created bad image in front of the whole community

China silences people every June, the officials in China silence the family members of protesters who were killed in 1989 crackdown on the Tianamen Square Pro-democracy Movement.


It is an online project which is started by the youth of China in which they were trying to find out and present all  the true facts in front of public, in which three volunteer are missing by imposing vague charge by the government.


In precise, Chinese peple are waiting for reforms and government is suppressing the voice of chinese citizens. The mysterious death of the doctor who first revealed about the information of corona virus (Dr.Li Wenliang).

This shows People are facing by the unnecessary restrictions and Exploitation by the government and Control on Judiciary by the Communist Party of China.



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